30 gennaio 2012

Weekend Herb Blogging # 318 Round up

January is almost over and according to popular belief the last three days of this month have always been considered the coldest of the year (in Italian they are named i giorni della merla, blackbird days) , a good omen for a beautiful early Spring.
A common and popular legend tells the story of a blackbird (a whitebird in origin :-), which sought refuge with her ​​chicks in a chimney to the cold of those days. It came out just the first day of February, but with its beautiful white plumage turned into black by the sootThat is why from that day on all blackbirds were black.
But an exceptional freezing cold air from Siberia is blowing across Europe down to the Southest Italian regions, temperatures will drop dramatically many degrees below zero and it is announced to be the coldest period of the last thirty years ... shall we have then the most pleasant Spring of the last thirty years? :-)

No matter whatever is weatherly happening outside our kitchens, just lay your table, pour the wine in your glass, take your seat and enjoy a little bit of every single lovely colored seasonal dish our nice guests like to share!

Welcome to WHB # 318!


Janet from The Taste Space - Canada

Johanna from Green Gourmet Giraffe Blog - Australia

Kris from Tutto a occhio - Italy
Hema from Hema's Vantagadi - India

Stash from The Spamwise Chronicles - Usa

Haalo from Cook Almost Anything - Australia

my personal entry
Hope you had a nice time, should I have ever missed someone in this recap, please let me know and I will promptly fix it.

Next week our hostess will be Chris from Mele Cotte, please send your entry to  melecotte AT gmail DOT com attaching a 600pxl wide photo. WHB Rules.

If you'd like to host then send an email to weekend.herb.blogging AT gmail DOT com including your blog name and url, your preferred email address and photo requirements.

See you @ Chris' and Happy Herb Blogging!

4 commenti:

janet @ the taste space ha detto...

wow - Italy at its coldest and Canada at its warmest. What is the matter with the world these days?? Lovely round-up, as always. :)

Haalo ha detto...

It doesn't really matter what the weather is like when there are so many delicious dishes to enjoy! Thanks so much for hosting!

Cristina Oltre le apparenze ha detto...

Quante cose buone.. gnammmm! Baci Kri

Cindystar ha detto...

Janet, really? We are freezing now and it snowed all across Italy, transport emergency :-(

Thanks, Haalo, for giving me the opportunity to host! :-)

Kri, hai visto che ricchezza? Con questo tempaccio ogni tanto me lo riguardo e me lo rigusto volentieri! :-)

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