11 luglio 2014

Spiced Fruit Iced Tea

 la ricetta in italiano qui

It's Summertime, season for refreshing drinks, iced tea time.
Last month I participated to a lovely fragrant contest, Volubilis, a journey of the senses. We were asked to use one or more of the ingredients hidden in the new fragrance created by Bruno Acampora:

  rose of morocco

Well, certainly it is not easy to transfer into the kitchen musk and patchouli, and to be honest I did not even try. But you can play more comfortably with other perfumes, so I thought why not combine them together?
I have my favorite perfumed pink Clair Matin in the garden, mint growing in everywhere, a huge jar of Madagascar vanilla pods in the pantry, only bergamot was missing.
But bergamot is hiding in one of the most popular blends of tea in the world, Earl Grey, which is flavored with the oil extracted from the rind of this citrus fruit.

 té speziato alla frutta

Looking into my precious tea boxes, I found a mixture even more intriguing: Prince of Vladimir Kusmi Tea.
Created in 1888 in honor of Vladimir the Great, ruler of Holy Russia, it's a blend of Earl Grey, citrus, vanilla and spices, one of the most unforgettable teas of the company.
Interesting to read the centennial history of this great Russian family that made ​​its fortune trading tea in London, Paris and Berlin.

With rose petals you can make ice cubes, they will garnish with more grace and delicacy, as to evoke old times lazing moments - dolce far niente - in the shade of lush pavilions.

 té speziato alla frutta

Half-fill the ice cube tray, put into each mold a rose petal, let harden in the freezer, cover with more water and let harden again. You can then store the cubes in a plastic jar or bag.
Not having the ice cube trays, I used a silicone mold for hemispheres.

 té speziato alla frutta

 You need:

Earl Grey or Prince Vladimir tea
bergamot or lemon or lime
seasonal fruit
(nectarine, apricot, cherry, saturnine peach)
vanilla sugar *
(granulated or cane, at your pleasure)
vanilla pods
fresh mint
scented rose petals

* After you have used the seeds inside the vanilla pod, do not throw it away but store in the sugar jar: in a short time it will get a delicate aroma of vanilla.

 té speziato alla frutta

Bring water to 90°.
Let tea to infuse for 3 to 4 minutes, with a lid.
Filter, add a tablespoon of vanilla sugar, stir and let cool.
Meanwhile, cut the fruit into small slices (except cherries), combine in a bowl, sprinkle with a tablespoon of vanilla sugar, add the seeds of a little piece of a vanilla pod, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and mix. Cover and set aside.
When the tea is almost completely cooled, pour it over the fruit, stir and transfer to a jug. Add a few leaves of mint, slightly rubbed with your hands to enhance the aroma. If necessary, add a little more sugar if you like a sweeter tea (I don't).
Serve with rose's ice cubes.

 té speziato alla frutta

I had a lovely teatime along with Komaj, Persian turmeric and cumin sweet bread, stuffed with cardamom scented dates: a heavenly ensemble, an explosion of senses and taste!

petali di rosa ghiacciati

This recipe is my personal entry to WHB #441
hosted by Simona of Briciole,
both for English and Italian edition.
Thanks again to Haalo who manages greatfully all events,
to Bri for Italian edition.
Thanks again to Kalyn for her successfull idea!

2 commenti:

Simona Carini ha detto...

Such a cool recipe, Cinzia. I like the Kusmi tea you mention (I bought a whole set at some airport), but you really brought it to new heights. The ice cubes with rose petals is a lovely detail. Thank you for contributing to Weekend Herb Blogging.

Cindystar ha detto...

Simona, thanks and double thanks :-)

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