27 luglio 2011

Black & White Wednesday - Week 3

A pretty new blog event, created by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook, has been running since the beginning of July. A Culinary Photograpy Gallery of beautiful images concerning food and whatever goes with it from bloggers all over the world. Any details for participation here.

I have been reading and admiring the pictures for a few weeks, now got the courage to  join the group, as images can be sent every Wednesday till 11 p.m. new York time. The complete Gallery is on-line chez-Susan here!

bread crumbs on mac & iphone 

twin friends in almost every bloggers' kitchen!

4 commenti:

FOODalogue ha detto...

I love photo challenges...I will definitely check this out. Grazie!

Susan ha detto...

Cinzia, you have captured the behind-the-scenes of food bloggers' posts everywhere. ; )

Thanks very much for joining in BWW Food.

sra ha detto...

Lovely picture, I like how the tiny breadcrumbs are visible, and, of course, as Susan said, you've captured the scenes behind food bloggers' posts

Cindystar ha detto...

Joan, you started a photo blog, didn't you? might convert some pictures in B&W and participate, it's really fun!

Susan thanks, great idea fro such event! :-)

Sra, thanks, that crunchy fiocaccia was irresistible! :-)

Plveredi stelle, grazie per la visita, e vengo subito a trovarti!

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