25 giugno 2013

Summer Red Passion - Strawberry and Tomato Salad for Creative Cooking Crew

For the first time I am joining a new cooking group on FB my dear friend Joan gently invited to.
This month's challenge for the Creative Cooking Crew was to create a complete dish with only one color.
Well, we are in Summer, the Queen season for choice of colored food with such a large variety to get your favorite!
And I straight went for red, red like passion, passion to food, to love, to life.

This is an unusual salad, but fresh and inviting, very special and quite an almost pungent flavor for the presence of garlic and chili. However, better not to abuse of, as the freshness of tomato and strawberry are the genuine flavors to be enhanced.
Ideal for a cold bruschetta or with your Sunday BBQ.

insalata fragole pomodori


 ripe strawberries
ripe cherry/datterini tomatoes
(or red round tomatoes)
fresh chilli 
coriander or parsley
(or basil)
extra virgin olive oil

insalata fragole pomodori

If you use round tomatoes, blanch in boiling water, then put immediately in cold water, peel, cut into wedges and remove seeds.
For cherry/datterini tomatoes  simply cut them in half after they have been washed and dried.
Gently wash strawberries and cut into halves, or slice if they are big.
Finely chop the chilli (unseeded) with garlic and coriander/parsley leaves.
Combine everything in a bowl, season with lime juice, olive oil and salt.
Let the salad rest in the refrigerator, covered with foil, for a couple of hours to get amalgamated. 
Then serve with toasted bread.

My coriander plant was blooming and I had some tiny white flowers to garnish the salad.

insalata fragole pomodori

13 commenti:

Joan Nova ha detto...

Welcome to the Creative Cooking Crew. Your salad is beautiful, especially with the delicate coriander flowers as a garnish.

Kucina di Kiara ha detto...

Come rappresentare l'estate con una ricetta...

Complimenti cara!!!!

Volevo invitarti, se ti fa piacere, a partecipare al mio nuovo contest che ha come tema le insalate estive aventi come protagonista i legumi o i cereali o i semi oleosi:

Grazie mille e buona giornata,
Chiara ha detto...

Simple yet flavorful. Pretty setting. Welcome to the Group.

Lazaro Cooks ha detto...

Lovely salad. Welcome to our group.

Jennifer Kendall ha detto...

this is gorgeous! such wonderful flavors in here!

Deana Sidney ha detto...

Your dish is terribly pretty with exciting flavors. Love the idea of the strawberries with the tomatoes and the photo is striking. Welcome to the group! ha detto...

Such a wonderful salad and plated so nicely. I cannot wait to try it...summer fun...

Unknown ha detto...

definitely not a combination i've thought to do, but i'm definitely interested in trying it out! yum :)

Tasty Trix ha detto...

Welcome to the Crew! Such a pretty salad!!

Lori Lynn ha detto...

Super first contribution to the CCC! Brava! Love the flowers too.

LaDivaCucina ha detto...

Very interesting salad! I'm not sure I can imagine garlic with strawberries in my head though! I love the flower garnish.

Victoria ha detto...

Welcome to the club! Beautiful first entry :)

Cindystar ha detto...

Thank you all, dear CCC fellows, very excited for your warm welcome to the group!
I'm a bit in a hurry, just back a few days ago from Elba and leaving again tomorrow for a sailing week in Greece :-)
But once back again I will be quiet enough to stop and enjoy all your entries! :-P
Have a nice week-end!

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