27 settembre 2013

Pickled Salmon, Nordic Style

la ricetta in italiano qui

This month's challenge for the Creative Cooking Crew was Pickle it!
Still a few days to post your dish and send link and picture to Joan, as the round-up will be going live on September, 30th.
I am trying to pickle some else, something you can enjoy during long slow Winter and that might remind you of sunny and warm Summer days.
By now a simple pickle you can do every time of the year and just added to the Christmas parties' what-to-do list.
Raw spiced pickled salmon, well known as gravlax or gravad lax (Swedish), gravad laks (Danish), gravlaks (Norwegian, Danish), graavilohi (Finnish), graavilõhe (Estonian), graflax (Icelandic) is a Nordic dish consisting of raw salmon, cured in salt, sugar, and dill. Gravlax is usually served as an appetizer, sliced thinly and accompanied by hovmästarsås (literally steward sauce, also known as gravlaxsås), a dill and mustard sauce, either on bread of some kind, or with boiled potatoes (from wikipedia).

During the Middle Ages, gravlax was made by fishermen, who salted the salmon and lightly fermented it by burying it in the sand above the high-tide line. The word gravlax comes from the Scandinavian word grav, which literally means grave (in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish), and lax (or laks), which means salmon, thus gravlax means buried salmon.
Today fermentation is no longer used in the production process. Instead the salmon is buried in a dry marinade of salt, sugar, and dill, and cured for a few days. As the salmon cures, by the action of osmosis, the moisture turns the dry cure into a highly concentrated brine, which can be used in Scandinavian cooking as part of a sauce. This same method of curing can be used for any fatty fish, but salmon is the most common.

gravad lax-salmone marinato

You need:

two fillets of fresh salmon with skin *
mixture of salt and sugar (2/3 and 1/3)
fresh dill
pink peppercorns

gravad lax-salmone marinato

Put a parchment paper in a baking dish and sprinkle half of the mix salt/sugar.
Check out that any bones have been removed, in case a tweezer might fit.
Lay a fillet with the part of the skin in contact with the mixture of salt/sugar.
Sprinkle with dill and pink peppercorns and then place over the other fillet, flesh against flesh.
Cover with the mixture of salt/sugar left and pack properly. Store in the refrigerator, turning the package into the pan every day (a weight on top of the package might help to improve the marinate).

gravad lax-salmone marinato

Once you have the desired marinate (usually 3 days), open the package and remove salt, sugar, peppercorns and dill and store the salmon in an airtight container (will be good for about a week).
Serve the salmon sliced or roughly chopped, accompanied by toast and butter or a dill sauce or boiled potatoes.

Dill Sauce (hovmästarsås): 2 tablespoons sweet mustard, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar cane, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon finely chopped dill, lemon juice . Mix ingredients together, dosing the lemon juice as needed.

9 commenti:

Joan Nova ha detto...

Wonderful -- so festive looking and perfect for a holiday table.

LaDivaCucina ha detto...

Yummy! Two salmon offerings and two methods to preserve! Your salmon looks so very pretty too. I love the little red peppercorns on top with the dill, looks very much like the holidays!

Christo Gonzales ha detto...

I make this all the time but never as pretty as this - looks like you have raised my gravlax bar - I love this stuff

Deana Sidney ha detto...

Delish! There is nothing as sexy as salmon smoked or cured like this. A beautiful thing. Love using pink peppercorns.... a beautiful dish.

Lori Lynn ha detto...

Fabulous idea for the pickle challenge. Your salmon looks positively delicious. Love pink peppercorns too.
Lori Lynn

Evelyne CulturEatz ha detto...

So beautiful, love the presentation with the dill and pepper corns. I made some gravlax not long ago, really great choice for the challenge.

Unknown ha detto...

That looks amazing! and a perfect festive-looking dish for the upcoming holidays!

Erica ha detto...

That fish looks beautiful! I love salmon and your recipe sounds really good!

Jennifer Kendall ha detto...

beautiful dish! looks so festive!

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