23 agosto 2009

Total relax in the pool and tomato sauce for WHB # 197


Ferragosto is synonymous with vacation and sweet laziness, Italian "dolce far niente".
It is a typical Italian holiday (I should say the most typical) celebrated in August, 15th and it represents the very clou of Summer vacation. Once most people used to go on holiday only in August (and some factories and industries do still close their production facilities and offices in this month) and Ferragosto time was choosed for a visit to their village and families, especially for emigrants.
It is also a religious festivity to commemorate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: holy processions, celebrations and fairs are held in towns and villages all around the country and later in the evening performances of sparkling fireworks light up the sky in a riot of colors and sounds.
Last weekend we had friends at home, the weather was really hot and sunny, and we had a very relaxing time. No troubles and worries, no obligations of scheduled timing, only a great time talking and laughing, sunbathing and jumping into the pool, lazing for a siesta in the shadow of my big umbrella pine, refreshing our mouths with a a huge chilled watermelon in the afternoon and ending with a scrumptious BBQ (men's work!) and a large homemade pizza, schiacciunta and Rice Crispies and Mars cake.
And relaxation was so high that I was not ready in time to blog my recipe last WHB hosted by Anh from Food Lover's Journey, silly me!

But first, we all toasted together to Summer with a glass of Aperol Spritz!

aperol spritz

And ... we could not be lazy all time long ... would have felt a little guilty! I had bought about 30 kg. of S. Marzano tomato to make sauce to store and my friend Tiziana had brought her empty jars to be filled. We asked our youngest kids to help in washing and cutting tomatoes. They did a perfect job, on their own and without supervising, and Tito (my fifth son) took these nice pics, even better than me!

salsa pomodoro

I have been doing this sauce for years, you can dedicate a whole day to make a large quantity necessary all year through (I usually cook 80/100 kg.) or work on small amounts each day, a box is about 8 kg. and you need 1 1/2 hour to do it on your own.
But every time you open a jar it will be a huge satisfaction: bright red color, smooth texture and authentic taste will intoxicate your senses!
And believe me, working with friends is real fun, so don't forget to ask them to help you!

conservando con deb&ale
"Tomato saucing" with Deb and Ale

You need:

very ripe tomatoes (best are S. Marzano and Cencara)
onions, celery, carrots
basil and parsley
thyme and marjoram (optional, preferably fresh)
glass jars

Every 8/10kg. of tomatoes get about 3 onions, 4 /5 carrots and 4/5 sticks of celery, herbs as you like.

- First leave jars in the oven at 100° to sterilize at least one hour.
- Boil lids 15 minutes, drain on kitchen paper.
- Wash tomatoes, vegetables and herbs.
- Chop vegetables into pieces (just cut tomatoes in half). Then let them drain in a large bowl to loose water in excess for about 20/30 minutes, we will have a less liquid sauce.
- Turn on the blender bowl (or Thermomix) to medium speed, and insert some tomatoes, some vegetables and herbs and get to maximum speed for a couple of minutes.
- Place in a cauldron on medium fire and repeat with all vegetables.
- Add a little salt and boil for at least 40/50 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency.
- Pour hot sauce in hot jars (be careful and use kitchen cloths to handle them) up to half a centimeter from the edge. Close immediately and turn upside down, putting the jars in a box lined with an old blanket. Cover the jars with the blanket and leave to rest until completely cooled, usually a couple of days.
- Then store the jars in the cellar or in your pantry.

conserva pomodoro

This sauce is good for any dish you want to prepare and whenever you need it!

See recipe in Italian for step by step pics.

News about tomatoes:
you can read in this article how tomatoes helps the skin to combat wrinkles and sunburn, you just have to eat 5 a day!
Researchers from University of Pisa have found that watering tomatoes with sea water helps them to develop more vitamins and antioxidants, very useful for their properties against heart disease and certain cancers.

Questa ricetta partecipa al WHB # 197 ospitato da Prof. Kitty di The Cabinet of Prof. Kitty
This recipe participates to WHB # 197 hosted by Prof. Kitty from The Cabinet of Prof. Kitty
Thanks again to Haalo who manages greatfully all events,
Thanks again to Kalyn for her successfull idea!

Qui la ricetta in italiano.

7 commenti:

Dewi ha detto...

Gorgeous family and beautiful friend you have here Ci! Hmm, I was hoping to see you in the pool, and enjoy your drink.

Wow, jars and jars tomato, how long will this last?

Aiuolik ha detto...

E' proprio il periodo giusto per la passata di pomodoro, qui non ne abbiamo una produzione propria, altrimenti mi cimenterei pure io!


Moki ha detto...

I've no pool but tomate sauce home made!!!

Sue ha detto...

WOW! Your tomatoes look beautiful! How nice to have homemade tomato sauce all year long:)

Giulia ha detto...

Cinzia!!! Sai, vi abbiamo pensato tanto, ma non avevo il tuo numero... E poi, sapere che sull autostrada c'è il casino di traffico.. brrrrr....
Ma vogliamo organizzare il capodanno su da voi, ci siete??
Un bacione!
A proposito, l'ultima foto per caso l'hai riconosciuta?.. pensavo fosse più facile...

Anonimo ha detto...

How impressive. It is greta to have a team when making sauce isn't it? I wish we had some ripe marzano tomatoes here in Canada!

Cindystar ha detto...

Elra, sorry I forgot to write but the sauce will last even more than one year! Two years ago I made so much that we had some jars left and eaten a few months ago and it was still good! It's a hard work but it will be worth all year long!

Aioulik, anche io compero i pomodori ... in attesa di un orto come si deve!

Moki, ma vieni a fare un tuffo nella mia! Allora siamo anche amiche di salsa! Tutto ok?

Sue, thanks!

Giulia, ma sai che tutti i paesini lassù si assomigliano ... io avrei detto Dobbiaco ... ma solo perchè ci ho lasciato il mio cuore! Appena sono più tranquilla (cioè a estate finita e scuole inziate) ci organizziamo per il Capodanno,si potrebbe davvero fare!

Jdeq, thanks and ... what's abundant in Canada? ... we could find some nice preserve for it!

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