1 febbraio 2012

Katmer Pogaça - Turkish Puffy Buns for BBD # 46

la ricetta in italiano qui

At the very last day but I did it! :-)
The first place on my wish-to-visit list is India, I love all about this country, landscape, colors, food, history, traditions, different races and religions, and I do hope someday I could finally manage to go, perhaps with a very dear friend of mine who lived and worked there for long and would be the best ambassador and guide there.
Second place (not considering all tropical seaside resorts in the world I would like to lay down on the beach and quietly relax :-) is Istanbul, the second Rome as it is named, natural crossroad between Europe and Asia, capital of the Roman Empire first, then Bizantyne, Latin and Ottoman, nowdays the third most populous metropolitan area in Europe after Moscow and London. I'm sure I could be seriously fascinated and intrigued by its centuries-old beauties and the oriental and mysterious spirit emanated.
Well, this is a most manageable and closer trip, will I be able to go soon? ... need a flying carpet and a magical lamp!:-)
No more dreams, down to earth and hands at work, a nice Turkish bread is what I baked for Noor's invitation. Funny and easy to make, a nice dough to work, croissant shaped (but they are not :-), they will surprise you!
Just a little note (at least for me): I don't think Philadelphia cheese is the most suitable, it does not melt well, maybe better a much creamer cheese, like stracchino or soft gorgonzola. However, even without filling (such as those with black sesame seeds on top, the last picture showing the inside) are very good. My kids have asked me why I did not put a piece of hot dog inside ... shall I give another try?
Ideal to be freezed so to be ready for a fancy Sunday brunch.
Recipe from Lory of La mercante di Spezie

 katmer pogaça

 Serving 16 buns:

500 g plain flour, sifted
200 g milk
100 g rice oil (I used corn oil)
15 g fresh yeast
1 egg white
2  teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
50/70 g melted butter for brushing
egg yolk stirred with milk for brushing
crem cheese, optional

- Dissolve yeast in warm milk with sugar, pour into a bowl (you can use a stand mixer) with flour and start kneading at low speed. Add oil, egg white and salt, turn to medium speed and work until well amalgamated. Cover and leave to rest until doubled in a warm place.

 facendo katmer pogaça
- Divide the dough in 8 pieces, shape into balls and let rest covered for 15 minutes.
- Roll out each ball into a disk, about 25 cm diameter but no matter the size as long as they are all more or less the same size, brush each disk with butter and once ready put one above the other.
- Turn this sort of tower upside down and roll out up to a big circle of about 55/70 cm diameter, you won't find difficulties, the dough is very tender and easy to work, no more flour required. Pay attention to turn the disc of dough upside down 2 or 3 times again while rolling. Once the disc is ready cut into 16 triangles. 

 facendo katmer pogaça
- Put a little cream cheese at the bottom of each triangle (wide side), fold the edges inward and roll into a croissant.
-  Lay the buns on a tray covered with parchment paper, brush with beaten yolk and milk, and leave to rest about 1 hour and a half.
- If necessary brush again with egg and bake at 180/200° for about 20/25 minutes until golden.

katmer pogaça

 katmer pogaça

This recipe is also my entry to this week Susan's YeastSpotting.

9 commenti:

Josephine ha detto...


Iden ha detto...

Очень красиво! Браво!

Cristina Oltre le apparenze ha detto...

Oh noo mi son scordata di nuovo del BBD.. volevo fare il melon-pan.... uffffffiiiii... vabbè intanto mi godo i tuoi cornetti... Golosiii! bacioni Kri

sare ha detto...

Dear Cindy,It's pleasure to see you in my beloved country and the beautiful city and cities.:))
These puffy buns are very popular in Türkiye. Thank you for sharing...
See you again.

Cindystar ha detto...

Alice, grazieeee! ... ma sai che buoni?, una vera sorpresa!

Iden, quite difficult for me to understand your writing but I guess the last word is bravo? :-)

Kri, cos'è il melon-pan? dimmi, dimmi, o fallo, fallo! :-) ... mettiti l'icona del BBd nella sidebar così ce l'hai sempre sottocchio e sarà più difficile dimenticarlo! ora uscirà il nuovo tema il 6/7 febbraio.

Sare, thank you so much for your visit! The buns were really amazing, suppose I will do them often! :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

These look amazing! Do you taste the creamcheese inside when you bite one?

Antonella ha detto...

Ma cos'è sta meraviglia??? Ricetta in italiano? Li faccio! ;)

MC ha detto...

Gorgeous and so tempting...

Cindystar ha detto...

Mookie, not so much and esides I think Philadelphia is not the ideal, it doesn't melt properly, maybe a creamer cheese would be better. But those empty 4 (the ones in the picture with black sesame seeds on top) were gorgeous as well! :-)
Anto, porta pazienza, stavo stordita e non ho messo il link alla taduzione in italiano, ora c'è e cmq è questa:

Non usare Philadelphia, anzi adesso lo scrivo, perchè non si scioglie bene, credo sia meglio lo stracchino, ma anche quei 4 semplici (coi semini di sesamo nero) erano una bontà :-), buoni anche riscaldati il giorno dopo, falli perchè meritano!

MC, absolutely right! :-)

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