21 giugno 2012

Homemade Cavatelli for Presto Pasta Night # 269

 la ricetta in italiano qui

First day of Summer and here in Italy we are having very hot days, in some places extraordinary temperatures are expected, reaching about 40° C, suffering more due to high humidity.
Ideal time for dolce far niente, indulging in relax and laziness, a refreshing jump into the pool, zapping in the blogsphere longer :-).
I was commenting on Simona's blog and realized she's having a very busy time in these days, hosting 4 different events: Weekend Herb Blogging # 339 - Abbecedario Culinario d'Italia: M come Matera - Novel Food # 16 and  Presto Pasta Nigths # 269.
I am an affectionate supporter of WHB and Abbecedario, never join Novel Food (but there is always a first time :-) and occasionally participated to Presto Pasta Night, with Tagliatelle the first time and then with  Nerano Spaghetti.
Quite surprising for an Italian family where Pasta is the simplest thing to prepare but the most appreciated by my 6 always-hungry boys :-) 
So I will try to be more present in this event, as I often blogged about pasta in recent time.
I'm sending to Simona and to Ruth from Once upon a Feast, founder of this weekly event, the recipe for Cavatelli, a typical homemade pasta of South Italy. Almost everybody will tell you that Cavatelli come from Puglia (Apulia), perhaps because they are the first step when you make orecchiette, but they are wrong because they first originated in Molise. They represent the most characteristic regional dish of the region and especially of Campobasso, the main town. They are usually served with a pork meat sauce or with spigatelli (vegetables like broccoli/kale/Neapolitan friariello) and minced meat.
But they are good with whatever sauce you like, classical basil pesto might be one. I also made Cavatelli al sugo di polpo (with an octopus sauce) and  Cavatelli con pesto di piselli e fave (with peas and fava beans pesto).
It is very easy and simple to make them, almost relaxing, and even kids will have fun to help.


Serving 3 or 4: 

300 g durum wheat semolina, better if remilled
130/150 g water at room temperature

Knead briefly, must be a pretty hard dough, otherwise if too soft will be more difficult then to work. Leave the dough on the working surface covered with a bowl to rest for at least half an hour.

facendo i cavatelli

Take a piece of dough and make a thin roll, diameter  1 cm.
With a knige cut a small piece, gently push with the thumb against the blade of the knife, then press the knife onto the table, turning a little and pulling the cavatello towards you.

Mamo making Cavatelli when he was 10 years old 

Place cavatelli on a cloth sprinkled with flour or on pasta racks.
If left to dry completely (I cooked the day after I made them) some more cooking minutes might be required.


Basil Pesto: 

150 g basil leaves
50 g pine nuts
230 g extra virgin olive oil
1/3 of a clove of garlic
50g grated parmesan
(or half parmesan and half pecorino)

In a blender first mix dry ingredients together (garlic, pinenuts and cheese),
 then add basil and oil little by little.

9 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

che brava e che pazienza! adoro i cavatelli, da buona pugliese! complimenti :) baci!

Susan ha detto...

Gorgeous handcrafted pasta, Ci. A sight to behold. Fine, fine photos.

Cindystar ha detto...

Claudia, ma sono abbastanza veloci da fare, sai?
Grazie per la visita ed un bacione anche a te! :-)

Ruth Daniels ha detto...

Fabulous post. Thank you so much for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. Always a treat when you do.

Simona Carini ha detto...

Thank you so much, Cinzia, for this post. As I was writing my recent post on strascinati, I saw cavatelli made the way you show. It looks like fun! Thank you so much for contributing to Presto Pasta Nights!

Cindystar ha detto...

Ruth, thank you, and I've got some other lovely homemade pasta for next PPN :-)

Simona, Thanks to you for hosting and for being a homemade pasta maker too! :-)

Cindystar ha detto...

Susan, thank you, I love homemade pasta :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

grazie! I love learning new pasta making methods :)

Cindystar ha detto...

Tandy, thank you, I am going to post about Guitar Spaghetti in a few days, have you ever heard about?

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