14 aprile 2014

Velykos Pyragas - Pane Pasquale Lituano - Lithuanian Easter Bread

la ricetta in italiano qui

The most traditional Easter bread in Lithuania, a semi-sweet bread, will be perfect for breakfast or brunch, as it goes well with salty foods like cheese and ham too.

velykos pyragas-pane pasquale lituano-lithuanian easter bread

For Lithuanians Christians, Easter (Velykos) is the most important sacred holiday.
Here you can have a look and read about Easter traditions in Lithuania, starting on Palm Sunday (it was yesterday), making a decorative verbos to bring to church to be blessed.
Holy Thursday and Friday are dedicated to clean homes, washing everything, believing it will bring good health and abundant harvests to the household, and ward off fleas and evil spirits.
Butthe most famous tradition is held on Holy Saturday, dedicated to painting and ornating Easter eggs (margučiai) and to the preparation of the luscious Easter buffet.
Watch this beautiful about Lithuanian artists decorating margučiai via both techniques: etching and painting. As the film concludes, you’ll see the egg rolling game, one of the funniest family tradition (more interesting info and viodeos here).

My loaf is a little too golden, a little less would be better, so be more careful in baking as I was, but on the other hand, my oven has turned 26 and might be forgiven :-) ... waiting for a new one.

velykos pyragas-pane pasquale lituano-lithuanian easter bread

For a loaf you need:

500/550 g all-purpose flour 
220 g warm milk
70 g sugar or sugar cane
2 eggs, beaten *
a pinch of salt
half a bag dry yeast 
4 tbs melted butter

70 g light raisins
a plum-cake mold about 23x13cm.

 * you will use only three-quarters for the dough, a quarter will go for brushing the bread before baking

Follow the instructions for dry yeast: in case it requires to be activated, put it in a glass with 30 g of warm water and half a teaspoon of sugar and let it bibble for about ten minutes.
In the stand-mixer bowl pour flour and sugar and begin to knead at low speed, adding yeast (activated) and milk, little by little .
Then add a pinch of salt and beaten eggs, when well amalgamated add the butter. At last add raisins.
Knead until dough is smooth, mine was very very soft, but do not add more flour, or just a little bit.
Helping with a spatula, transfer the dough onto the working surface, shape into a ball (if necessary grease your hands with butter) and place in a lightly greased bowl, cover and let rise until doubled.
Deflate the dough and shape into a loaf.
Line the mold with parchment paper, place the loaf into and let rise covered until doubled.
Brush the surface with leftover beaten egg and bake at 170/180° for about 45/50 minutes, toothpick test will say it's ready.
Transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely before slicing.

This recipe is my personal entry to WHB #428
hosted by Lucia from Torta di Rose
both for English and Italian edition.
Thanks again to Haalo who manages greatfully all events,
to Bri for Italian edition.
Thanks again to Kalyn for her successfull idea!

This recipe also goes to Susan's weekly YeastSpotting.

2 commenti:

Giulia ha detto...

Adoro i pani semi-dolci e a giudicare dalle foto questo sembra veramente soffice. Inoltre ti dirò che quella crosticina ben abbrustolita e croccante per me è decisamente un pregio!
A presto

Cindystar ha detto...

Giulia, grazie, ma tiassicuro che era un pelino troppo abbrustolita :-)
Auguroni di Buona Pasqua!

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