28 giugno 2010

June DB Challenge - Chocolate Pavlova

la ricetta in italiano qui

The June 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Dawn of Doable and Delicious challenged the Daring Bakers’ to make Chocolate Pavlovas and Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse. The challenge recipe is based on a recipe from the book Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard.

The recipe is comprised of three parts, four if you include the crème anglaise. You must make the chocolate pavlovas, the mascarpone mousse and the mascarpone cream. You can use orange juice for the Grand Marnier in the mousse if you don’t use alcohol and you can omit the sambuca from the mascarpone cream.
The recipe can be made in one day although there are several steps involved.
- While the pavlovas are baking, the crème anglaise should be made which will take about 15 minutes.
- While it is cooling, the chocolate mascarpone mousse can be made which will take about 15 minutes.
- There will be a bit of a wait time for the mascarpone cream because of the cooling time for the Crème Anglaise.
- If you make the Crème Anglaise the day before, the dessert should take about 2 hours including cooking time for the pavlovas.

chocolate pavlova

I made Pavlova before and I am very fond of Meringues since I finally learned how to bake them properly. So it was quite easy and enjoyable to join the challenge this month.
I first made the Pavlova following the recipe step by step for my youngest son's birthday at the beginning of June, a small one for him and a big one for a dear friend of us celebrating his birthday the day after. All our guests really appreciated thanks very much Dawn for the lovely recipe! I should only halve the crème anglaise amount, think it's too much for drizzling, but anyway was pretty good!

mamo 12

For further information about Pavlova, have a look on Wikipedia’s definition of Pavlova and read The history of Pavlova. A great video on Youtube will show you How to Make Pavlova and another one uses whipped cream instead of the Mascarpone cream.
And don't forget to check out what other Daring Bakers have created for the Challenge!

Chocolate Meringue (for the chocolate Pavlova):
3 large egg whites
½ cup plus 1 tbsp (110 grams) white granulated sugar
¼ cup (30 grams) confectioner’s (icing) sugar
1/3 cup (30 grams) cocoa powder
- Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 200º F (95º C) degrees. Line two baking sheets with silpat or parchment and set aside.
- Put the egg whites in a bowl and whip until soft peaks form. Increase speed to high and gradually add granulated sugar about 1 tbsp at a time until stiff peaks form. (The whites should be firm but moist.)
- Sift the confectioner’s sugar and cocoa powder over the egg whites and fold the dry ingredients into the white. (This looks like it will not happen. Fold gently and it will eventually come together.)Fill a pastry bag with the meringue. Pipe the meringue into whatever shapes you desire. Alternatively, you could just free form your shapes and level them a bit with the back of a spoon. (Class made rounds, hearts, diamonds and an attempt at a clover was made!).
- Bake for 2-3 hours until the meringues become dry and crisp. Cool and store in an airtight container 
for up to 3 days.

Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse (for the top of the Pavlova base):
1 ½ cups (355 mls) heavy cream (cream with a milk fat content of between 36 and 40 percent)
grated zest of 1 average sized lemon
9 ounces (255 grams) 72% chocolate, chopped
1 2/3 cups (390 mls) mascarpone
pinch of nutmeg
2 tbsp (30 mls) Grand Marnier (or orange juice)
- Put ½ cup (120 mls) of the heavy cream and the lemon zest in a saucepan over medium high heat. Once warm, add the chocolate and whisk until melted and smooth. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and let sit at room temperature until cool.
- Place the mascarpone, the remaining cup of cream and nutmeg in a bowl. Whip on low for a minute until the mascarpone is loose. Add the Grand Marnier and whip on medium speed until it holds soft peaks. (DO NOT OVERBEAT AS THE MASCARPONE WILL BREAK.).
- Mix about ¼ of the mascarpone mixture into the chocolate to lighten. Fold in the remaining mascarpone until well incorporated. Fill a pastry bag with the mousse. Again, you could just free form mousse on top of the pavlova.

Mascarpone Cream (for drizzling):
1 recipe crème anglaise
½ cup (120 mls) mascarpone
2 tbsp (30 mls) Sambucca (optional)
½ cup (120 mls) heavy cream
- Prepare the crème anglaise. Slowly whisk in the mascarpone and the Sambucca and let the mixture cool. Put the cream in a bowl and beat with electric mixer until very soft peaks are formed. Fold the cream into the mascarpone mixture.

bocconcini di pavlova

finger pavlova in a fish shaped spoon
for a summer dinner party

Crème Anglaise (a component of the Mascarpone Cream above):
1 cup (235 mls) whole milk
1 cup (235 mls) heavy cream
1 vanilla bean, split or 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
6 large egg yolks
6 tbsp (75 grams) sugar
- In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture turns pale yellow.
- Combine the milk, cream and vanilla in a saucepan over medium high heat, bringing the mixture to a boil. Take off the heat.
- Pour about ½ cup of the hot liquid into the yolk mixture, whisking constantly to keep from making scrambled eggs. Pour the yolk mixture into the pan with the remaining cream mixture and put the heat back on medium. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens enough to lightly coat the back of a wooden spoon. DO NOT OVERCOOK.
- Remove the mixture from the heat and strain it through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Cover and refrigerate until the mixture is thoroughly chilled, about 2 hours or overnight.

mini chocolate pavlova

Assembly the dessert:
Pipe the mousse onto the pavlovas and drizzle with the mascarpone cream over the top.
Dust with confectioner’s sugar and fresh fruit if desired.

pavlova up side down

some meringues crumbs on the bottom,
chocolate mascarpone mousse,
2 little meringues and a syruped cherry to garnish
(just boil cherries a few minutes in a little water with a little sugar and let cool)

This recipe goes to Haalo who's hosting Australia for the World Culinary ABC.

6 commenti:

Audax ha detto...

That is a fabulous photo of son and the birthday pav, and your other versions look so cute well done on this challenge. Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

Juls @ Juls' Kitchen ha detto...

e come sempre ci incontriamo in questo periodo... bellissima pavlova! complimenti!

natalia ha detto...

E' bellissima Cinzia !!

Dewi ha detto...

Happy birthday to your son Ci, he is gorgeous and I know where he got his gene :))

Your pavlova looks delicious.

Lisa ha detto...

I love all of your preparations on the pavlova but the best has to be the birthday pavlova for your son - that photo is simply priceless! Happy belated birthday to him and beautiful job in every way!

Cindystar ha detto...

Audax,thanks for passing by, you are a myth for me on DB Challenges!

Juls, grazie,appuntamento fisso immancabile davvero! Questa pavlova era veramente eccezionale!

Natalia, grazieee!

Elra, thanks for your nice words!

Lisa, very kind of you, thanks!

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