31 agosto 2011

Sweet & Sour Peaches for VFAM

 la ricetta in italiano qui

Susan of  The Well-Seasoned Cook is hosting this month's edition of  Veggie/Fruit a Month, a very popular and long-running vegetarian event created by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan's Recipes. 
As theme of the month Susan choose her favorite stone fruit, peach. I am very fond of it too and could not miss the chance to send her a diverse way to enjoy this fruit.
Last year I blogged  about Saturn Peaches, my favorite variety (and I learned from Susan that they are also named Doughnut Peaches in English).

pesche tabacchiere o saturnine 
Saturn peaches or literally known as "tabacchiere" (snuffbox) in Italian are very special, has a flattened shape and very intense aroma. You can immediately recognize because of their shape so crushed like a snuffbox. These peaches come in medium or small size, with a small core insiede, can be either yellow or white. The flesh is very soft and sweet, intensely fragrant. They are excellent as table fruits, and often used in confectionery and for the production of ice cream and granitas. 

 pesche tabacchiere o saturnine

I met them for the first time some years ago in Elba Island, but the original production area is around Mount Etna, an ideal habitat for this crop (well-drained soil, plenty of water and considerable fluctuations in temperature ensure a higher quality product), but they are growing them in other regions.
I have always seen the ones with white flesh but this year I also found the yellow ones (imported from Spain, but here in Sicily I am eating the original ones!)) and also the variety with the smooth and polished-like peel as nectarines. I used the combination of three varieties for the recipe.
This peculiar peach has also become a Slow Food Presidia.
Slow Food Foundation's mission is to defend food biodiversity, safeguard the environment and the land, endorse sustainable agriculture, protect small producers and theri communities, promote the gastronomic traditions of the whole world:
But in these days I am still enjoying some vacations days in Filicudi, a very little magical island in the Aeolian  archipelago, and discover a new surprising and unknown variety, Sbergia.

pesca sbergia

It belongs to the nectarine family, and is cultivated in a very restricted area, Niceto Valley in Sicily. It has smooth skin and white flesh, and you will be delighted by its intense fragrance and sweet taste. It is harvested in July and August. Due to the very small production areas and the rapid deterioration of the fruit, this peach is comercialized only in a few provinces, Messina, Catania and Reggio Calabria.

 Sweet & Sour Peaches

A nice aromatic preserve to enjoy with meat and/or cheese.

pesche agrodolci

1.5 kg peaches
700 g apple vinegar 
120 g brown sugar 
3 bay leaves 
½ teaspoon coriander seeds 
½ teaspoon cumin seeds 
4 or 5 cm cinnamon 
a teaspoon dried mint (I put some fresh leaves) 

 pesche agrodolci

- Put vinegar and all spices in a saucepan, combine peaches cut into wedges,  bring to a boil and cook a couple of minutes. 
- Drain the peaches and remove the peel. 
- Add sugar to the flavored vinegar, bring to a boil, add peaches  again and cook a minute or two. 
- Drain peaches and pour into sterilized jars (just leave them in the oven at 120° for 15 minutes). 
- Reduce the vinegar syrup over high heat for at least one third, pour  still hot over the peaches (leaving the seeds and bay leaves), gently knock the jars on the work surface to eliminate any air bubbles, close well with sterilized lids (just boil them in water for 10 minutes and then dry them well), turn the jars upside down to cool. 
- Store in a cool and dark place and wait at least a month before give a try!

4 commenti:

Babs ha detto...

ah che meraviglia della natura sono le saturnine! ciao cinzia :)

Alessia ha detto...

splendide e buonissime, peccato per il costo che non le rende certo il frutto per la tavola di tutti i giorni..

Susan ha detto...

Saturn ( or doughnut peaches, as we call them) are so much fun. I've never had pickled fruits (outside of chutneys), so my mouth is watering just thinking about them.

Thank you, Cinzia, for your intriguing VFAM - Peaches recipe!

Cindystar ha detto...

Ciao Babs, davvero una meraviglia! Passata bene l'estate? Speriamo di rivederci presto! :-)

Alessia, in effetti sono carucce, ma ogni tanto ci si può coccolare, o no?

Susan, thanks for hosting, and will tell you soon how they taste! :-)

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