Black & White Wednesday # 91
Happy Monday!
Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook is hosting this week BWW,
please do send your entries to thewellseasonedcook AT yahoo DOT com
Some time ago I bought these Coco blanc beans in Cannes,
the little white ones you can find in traditional French cassoulets from Languedoc.
They were perfect in a fresh Summer rice salad
and in an octopus stew,
so precious and delicious for the freshness of the catch :-)
Soon the recipes!
Funny in English these beans are named Navy beans :-)

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter.
Should you like to host please send me an email to casacortella AT tin DOT it
rules and host-line up here
2 commenti:
Quite pretty, Ci. So delicate.
Thanks for keeping BWW moving on. I was happy to host.
Susan, thank you so much, always an honor to carry on!
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