Bread Baking Day # 38 - la raccolta - the round up
Eccoci arrivati alla raccolta finale del BBD # 38, un grazie di cuore a chi ha partecipato, a chi ha provato per la prima volta questo pane senza impasto, a chi ha voluto condividere la sua ricetta anche con gli amici stranieri. Tutta la raccolta merita di essere guardata, sarà una piacevole sfornata di pani e delizie senza impasto dall'Italia, dall'Europa, dagli Stati Uniti, fino ad arrivare anche in Estremo Oriente.

Thanks again to Zorra for giving me the chance to host such a great event and a huge thank to all of you for sending in such wonderful breads! I was very pleased with so many recipes, you really did a great work and some of you even doubled! A very big thank you, dear happy bakers!
Hope everything is ok, but I feel strange, like accidentally forgetting some of you (in the last days I often downloaded emails with my Iphone and I might have cancelled some with no intention). So please if your post is not included, do e-mail me again at cmc(@)cindystar(dot)it and I will happily correct the list!
Alisa from Easier than pie is our next hostess for BBD # 39, don't forget to check out in her blog what the new theme will be.

Angela di Ackyart -Roma

Natalia di Gatti, Fili e Farina - Roma
la mia ricetta - Lago di Garda
Recipes in English
ricette in inglese
A long baking trip across Europe, visiting many countries, some more than once:

Priya from Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes - Paris, France

Jamie from Life's a Feast - Nantes, France

my recipe - Garda Lake, Italy
Baking and Zapping through the States:

Manju from Three Tastes - Maryland

Champa from Versatile Vegetarian Kitchen - Pennsylvania

Heather from Girlichef - Indiana
Swathi from Zesty South Indian kitchen - Texas
Michelle from The Beauty of Life
Alisa from Easier than Pie - Nashville, Tennessee
Almost No-Knead Bread
Terry from Moss and Clover - Upstate New York
Terry from Moss and Clover - Upstate New York

Judy from Judy's Gross Eats - Ventura, California
Happy magical and mistery baking in Asia:
CurryLeaf from TastyCurryLeaf - Bangalore, India
Happy baking forever!
10 commenti:
I love this round up! And knowing that I can make any of these beauties in just a few minutes without kneading! Yay! Fabulous theme!
Such a beautiful roundup! So many things to choose from. Thank you for hosting and picking no-knead this much fun =)
A great roundup! Everyone did a great job. Thank you for hosting!
Thats an excellent and beautiful roundup..awesome!
I send you my entry it is not there in roundup excellent roundup lot of no knead bread.
Ciaocara!E'veramente una raccolta fantastica butto la planetaria e comincio!
Great roundup! Thanks for hosting dear...
Thank you all, it's your great work that made it happen!
Swathy, so sorry. :-((, terribly distracted, I commented on your blog and then forgot to add your recipe! but now it's all ok.
Natalia, no dai, che quella ci serve per montare bene le meringhe :-))))
Ciao mia dolce Ci! Con un ritardo mega vengo a vedere ..questo round up bellissimo! Quante ricette...ora me le vado a spulciare meglio! Grazie, come sempre il tuo apporto è unico!
Grazie ate, Angela, per partecipare sempre con impegno e dedizione! :-)
... e poi ... meglio tardi che mai! ... guarda quando ti rispondo io!!! :-))))
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