Pink Newspaper for Pink Saturday
Hi everybody, it's my second time for Pink Saturday, a weekly event created and hosted by Beverly at How sweet the Sound, and would like to give you a little information about a popular pink Italian newspaper.

"Gazzetta dello Sport", is one of the major newspapers in Italy and the most popular about sports. It is a journal of news and detailed reports, written immediately after the conclusion of sporting events. It was just a lucky coincidence when the paper was edited just three days before the birth of the first modern Olympic Games, celebrated in Athens 6 to 15 April 1896. Opening ceremony report was one of the first articles. First editions were printed on light green paper, passing later to a yellow one following French style, and then trying white paper. But this last idea only lasted a month. On January 2nd, 1899 the final choice went to pink. The news was communicated to readers on December 27th, 1898 with a full-page title, the first one in the history of the newspaper. The new color made an immediate good impression and pink would soon be the symbol of the newspaper.
La Gazzetta dello Sport: all the pink of life!
Well, today the first page is not so pink, the biggest title shows "All Black", because of our elimination in South Africa Football World Championships. I am not a fan of football, but living with 6 boys and a husband it's inevitable I follow their shouting echoes during the matches!
La Gazzetta dello Sport: all the pink of life!
Well, today the first page is not so pink, the biggest title shows "All Black", because of our elimination in South Africa Football World Championships. I am not a fan of football, but living with 6 boys and a husband it's inevitable I follow their shouting echoes during the matches!
Happy to join Beverly again this week and Happy Pink Saturday to all!
... and don't forget to visit all Pinks ...
... and don't forget to visit all Pinks ...
3 commenti:
so neat!
happy pink day :)
Wow! Love the history behind the colors of the paper! Very interesting that they ended up Pink!
happy Pink Saturday!
Thank you, Random & Kathy, hope you had a very nice Pink Saturday too!
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