July Daring Bakers' Challenge - Milan Cookies
The July Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Nicole at Sweet Tooth. She chose Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies and Milan Cookies from pastry chef Gale Gand of the Food Network.
We could either do both recipes or just choose one. As I am still on vacation I baked Milan Cookies first and will try Marshmallows once back home.
Recipe courtesy Gale Gand, from Food Network
Prep Time: 20 min
Inactive Prep Time: 0 min
Cook Time: 1 hr 0 min
Serves: about 3 dozen cookies
• 12 tablespoons (170grams/ 6 oz) unsalted butter, softened
• 2 1/2 cups (312.5 grams/ 11.02 oz) powdered sugar
• 7/8 cup egg whites (from about 6 eggs)
• 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
• 2 tablespoons lemon extract
• 1 1/2 cups (187.5grams/ 6.61 oz) all purpose flour
• Cookie filling, recipe follows
Cookie filling:
• 1/2 cup heavy cream
• 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
• 1 orange, zested
1. In a mixer with paddle attachment cream the butter and the sugar.
2. Add the egg whites gradually and then mix in the vanilla and lemon extracts.
3. Add the flour and mix until just well mixed.
4. With a small (1/4-inch) plain tip, pipe 1-inch sections of batter onto a parchment-lined sheet pan, spacing them 2 inches apart as they spread.
5. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until light golden brown around the edges. Let cool on the pan.
6. While waiting for the cookies to cool, in a small saucepan over medium flame, scald cream.
7. Pour hot cream over chocolate in a bowl, whisk to melt chocolate, add zest and blend well.
8. Set aside to cool (the mixture will thicken as it cools).
9. Spread a thin amount of the filling onto the flat side of a cookie while the filling is still soft and press the flat side of a second cookie on top.
10. Repeat with the remainder of the cookies.
My considerations: I am still on vacation and so a little bit in trouble cooking without my oven.
I left the dough to rest in the refrigerator before pouring small amounts on baking paper because it seemed to me too fluid for the sac-à-poche (anyway I didn't have). My cookies did not come perfectly crispy (must they?), but surprisingly their consistency has improved the next day, probably the filling of chocolate has softened the texture. Taste very good. I will try to bake them again once back home and certainly (I hope!) they will be better. I think that using special silicone molds you could also reach the perfect arrangements in the shape (my were all merrily roundy irregular). The chocolate filling was abundant.
• 170 g burro morbido
• 310 g zucchero
• 6 albumi d'uovo
• 2 cucchiai di estratto di vaniglia
• 2 cucchiai di estratto di limone
• 200 g farina 00
• 200 g cioccolato fondente tritato
• buccia d'arancia

2. Aggiungere gli albumi, uno alla volta, e poi gli estratti di limone e vaniglia.
3. Aggiungere la farina ed amalgamare bene.
4. Con una sac-à-poche, versare strisce di impasto su carta forno, lasciandole ben distanziate perchè tenderanno ad allargarsi in cottura .
5. Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180° per 10 minuti o fino a quando i bordi inizieranno ad essere ben dorati. Lasciare raffreddare nella teglia.
6. Nel frattempo preparare il ripieno mettendo la panna a scaldare sul fuoco.
7. Versare la crema calda sul cioccolato in una ciotola, amalgamare bene con una frusta per fondere il cioccolato, aggiungendo anche la buccia di arancia.
8. Mettere da parte a raffreddare un pochino (il composto si addenserà).
9. Spalmare una sottile quantità di ripieno sul lato piatto di un biscotto, e mentre il ripieno è ancora morbido premere sopra la parte piatta di un secondo biscotto.
10. Ripetere con tutti i biscotti.
11 commenti:
Ma lo vuoi capire che sono a dietaaaa ???
Mannaggia che gola !
Un bacione cara :-)
Your cookies look SUPER DELICIOUS!!! great job!
Your Milans are gorgeous and perfectly executed! Wonderful job!! They look SO yummy too!
Ciao! caspita che golosi! con tutto quel cioccolato..sai ch emerenda perfetta post bagno al mare!!!
bellissimi e buonissimi!
Your cookies look delicious! Very well done!
miseria che gola che mi fanno....me ne mangerei volentirei uno in questo momento
Beautiful job on this challenge!! Your cookies look amazing =D.
Well done my dear, you did the challenge well.
I actually love the way your cookies look and would prefer something a little less crispy. Either way, they look scrumptious with that chocolate filling.
Deliziosi devo provarli :-)
vaniglia ,limone e arancia sono un connubio perfetto!!!
Saluti Casasplendente
Grazie a tutti e ... al bando le diete per un biscotto così!
Thanks everybody, you make me feel a real DB!
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