Black & White Wednesday - Week # 57
Salone del Gusto in Turin - 25/29th October, 2012
150 crazy foodbloggers gathered in a very ambitious project:
Gente del Fud - Fud people
(acronym betwen food and sud)
sponsored by Pasta Garofalo,
talking about pasta,
showing the best Italians Slow Food Presidiums,
cooking unpublished recipes with them,
toasting with emerging artisanal Italian beers,
a unique gastronomic festival never held before,
for the first time in such an important and international event.
our unique t-shirt
Thanks Garofalo for making it real!
This week Black & White Wedsneday is hosted by Anusha of Tomato Blues.
us and our taste
we love pasta
on the counter
foodblogger in action
Internation foodbloggers cooking together
talking about beer, smelling its fragrance
tasting beer
@ the table waiting for pasta
Montebore cheese, like a wedding cake,
an amazing surprising presidium to me
(30% goat and 70% cow milk)
(30% goat and 70% cow milk)
foodbloggers @ regional stand
our unique t-shirt

Thanks Garofalo for making it real!
This week Black & White Wedsneday is hosted by Anusha of Tomato Blues.
You have time to send your entries to anusapraj AT gmail DOT com
as Anusha was down with a flu,
as Anusha was down with a flu,
the Gallery will be up on Saturday, 10th Nov.
We have also a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics.
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter
We have also a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics.
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter
6 commenti:
Ch fascino le tue foto in b&n!
Che belle foto! :-)
bellissimo Cindy,ancora che emozione rivedere le foto ;)
ti abbraccio!
What a wonderful event. Great photos, Ci. Love that wedding cake of a cheese. Fascinating and fantastic. Wish I was there.
Stefania, è proprio vero, a volte il b/n fa risaltere dettagli o luci che in colore so quasi ovvi e banali, a me piace coì tanto!
ma perchè non provi a seguire qualche volta questo appuntamento? leggi qua le istruzioni, facili e semplici, e soprattutto ... adatte a tutti! ;-)
Annaly, grazie, come sopra ... prova a partecipare anche tu, non importa scrivere l'inglese, anche l'italiano è ben accetto! :-)
Patrizia, già, è e sarà sempre un'emozione per le intense giornate trascorse insieme! ... e tu, bravissima fotografa, dai unisciti a questo appuntamento qualche volta! come per le altre, leggi nel lnk sopra ;-)
Susan, I was really impressed by that cheese and as I am going to celebrate with friends (as usual :-) my b'day in Decembere along with my wedding anniversary this year (28 years :-) I will offer this cake with polenta ... and put groom&bride on top of the "cake" :-)
che bell'angolino lo spazio Garofalo!
e poi Cinzia hai fatto delle foto bellissime!
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