Black & White Wednesday - Week # 58
Yesterday it was St. Martin's Day in our calendar,
we always celebrate this anniversary with our boys and some friends
as my husband and my fifth son are named like him.
Martin of Tours is a Saint venerated by the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church. He was named Martin in honor of Mars, the God of war, by his father, a prominent army officer of the Roman Empire. Martin of Tours is celebrated on 11th November and this date has become an extraordinary feast throughout the West, due to a large number of Christians who were named Martin.The legend tells that while Martin was still a soldier in the Roman army and deployed in Gaul (modern day France), he experienced the vision that became the most-repeated story about his life. One day as he was approaching the gates of the city of Amiens he met a scantily clad beggar. He impulsively cut his own military cloak in half and shared it with the beggar. That night, Martin dreamed of Jesus wearing the half-cloak he had given away. He heard Jesus say to the angels: "Here is Martin, the Roman soldier who is not baptized; he has clad me." In another story, when Martin woke, his cloak was restored (from Wikipedia).That's why he is always represented cutting his cloak in two.
Autumn centerpiece,
quince, chestnuts, pyracantha and ampelopsis

tableware and placeholders made with a cork
quince, chestnuts, pyracantha and ampelopsis

tableware and placeholders made with a cork
Autumn centerpiece in detail,
quince, chestnuts, pyracantha and ampelopsis
kitchen table for the boys
kitchen table for the boys
This week Black & White Wedsneday is hosted by Rinku of Cooking In Westchester
Please do send your entries to rinkub AT aol DOT com
We also have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter
Should you like to host please send me an email to casacortella AT tin DOT it
host-line up here to choose your favorite date.
2 commenti:
A very lovely set of photos celebrating St. Martins Day. Are these table decorations from your own hand? Such beauty!
Thank you, dear, and the decorations are from my own hands and what my garden is giving in this season (not too much but with amazing colors!), except chestnuts collected a couple of weeks ago during a nice walk in the surroundings :-)
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