Announcing Bread Baking Day # 38 - No-Knead Festival
l'invito in italiano qui
It's a great great honor for me to announce that I will be hosting BBD # 38!

Many thanks to Zorra, our charming founder, who gives me the opportunity to host this challenge again (mine previous were Easter BBD#19 and Christmas BBD#25) and be part of this magical event every month. This popular event has been started in July 2007 and is dedicated to all those who love bread and never stop baking and trying some new recipe with passion and respect for the simplest ingredient like water and flour that amazingly turn out in wonderful shapes of goodness!
We have been joining many hosts and different themes, last edition was hosted at Versatile Vegetarian Kitchen featuring Bread made with pre-ferment.
This month my theme would like to be a celebration to the easiest way to make bread, the less fatigue but the best result: let's all No-Knead together and enjoy a great
No-Knead Festival
I bet everybody knows No-Knead bread and am quite sure you have tried at least once! Bakers from all around the world have appreciated its inimitable aroma and fragrance and those incredible bubbles inside! I have been very fanatic about it through the years since that very first time I tried in January 2007, and then tried to improve and find numerous variations with the help of my dear cookfellows in Cookaround (I did not have my blog yet at that time).
The original recipe is by Jim Lahey, the owner of Sullivan Street Bakery on West 47th Street in Manhattan, he tried to bake a bread with a very very little yeast, a long rising time and a hot pot to bake into, NYTimes article here.
Since then everybody tried his own way, you can have a glance and get some useful suggestions to the selection I made on Cookaround, clicking on the blue links at the end of the recipe you can see different shapes and sizes, different pots used (pyrex, steel, pottery, alluminium, etc), different flour mix, different yeasts, including sourdough. All posts are in Italian but you can easily ask Google translator's help when necessary.
Last year I actually blogged about the original recipe, dividing the dough in buns (and baking them directly on the baking tray) that we friendly named "cazzotti" (punches).
Last year I actually blogged about the original recipe, dividing the dough in buns (and baking them directly on the baking tray) that we friendly named "cazzotti" (punches).
Original Video No-Knead Bread recipe and No-Knead Bread Rivisited, Jim Lahey's suggestions for a faster baking, might interest and help as well.
Feel free to bake your favorite No-Knead Bread following your fantasy and your habits, you can adapt the original recipe at your taste and pleasure and needs, any variation is allowed, so absolute freedom to choose any:
- flour, single or a mix
- container, if used
- shape and size
- fruit/vegetable/cheese/meat inside
- yeast/sourdough
- flavor/aroma/herbs/spices/seeds
- savory/sweet
- combo between rising time and amount of yeast used
- combo between rising time and amount of yeast used
Whatever you would like to "No-knead" bake is welcome!
To be a part of this event, you just need to do the following:
- Bake your No-Knead Bread.
- Post the bread on your blog, with a link back to this post.
- I will accept not more than 2 recipes each blog
- Your recipe should be written in English or Italian.
- E-mail me at cmc(at)cindystar(dot)it and include:
- Your name
- Your blog’s name and URL
- The name of your bread and the URL (permalink)
- Your location
- BBD#38 in the object line
- A photo 300-pixel-wide photo
- Whether you’d like me to notify you by email when the roundup is posted.
- Deadline for submission April, 1st.
Two different Rounds up will be on line on April, 5th., one for Italian entries and one for English.
Hope everything is clear enough but any doubt or any answer are welcome, don't hesitate to contact me, will be a pleasure to add more information.
I am looking forward to see all your faboulous No-Knead entries!
11 commenti:
Happy hosting will try to send some entries.
Nice theme, I will try to send you something before March,1st.
Swathi, I'll count on you!
Palmira, thanks, and do try, please, we'll have fun together!
Thanks for hosting and I love the theme. Will send something!
Thanks, Connie, can't wait to see your entry! :)
I've actually never tried a no-knead bread so this will be fun... great theme!
Manju, it will be a funny chance, I'll count on you!
I am a little confused. Do we have to make that no knead bread and modify it or can we use another no keand bread of our choice.
Miss N., I just put Jim's links and mine to have an idea, and to honor the original recipe, but any recipe is welcome with any personal modification ... but it has to be a No-Knead bread, or pizza, or focaccia or even a sweet treat if you succesfully tried!
Hope it's clearer now.
Thank you! I had a no knead bread recipe in my mind that I really wanted to try, but I wanted to make sure that it would still fit with this month's theme.
Cinzia...I tried to send you my submission, but it was returned to me as undeliverable... is there another way to send you my entry? Perhaps you could send me an email and I could reply to you with my info? (girlichef at yahoo dot com) Thank you! ~Heather
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