Black & White Wednesday - Week # 54
café and croissant @ La Tarte Tropezienne,
funny strolling & shopping @ le marché de place des Lices,

enjoying a delicious terrine de foie gras :-)
This week Black & White Wedsneday is hosted by Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu,
do send your entries to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com
until midnight Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
This week Black & White Wedsneday is hosted by Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu,
do send your entries to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com
until midnight Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
4 commenti:
Nice photos, especially the one in the middle.
Simona, thanks :-)
Happy Hosting for next week!
Looks like you had a fabulous weekend in St. Tropez! Thanks for submitting your lovely black and white images to BWW #54!
Lynne, definetely I had, and the market in Place des Lices is gorgeous! Should you ever be there it's worth :-)
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