Black & White Wednesday - Week # 14
No doubt Amalfi Coast is one of the best places in the world,
the sea, the natural sorroundings, the typical architecture,
the scents of hidden gardens,
the friendly easy way to communicate of local inhabitants,
makes you feel heart fulfilled and in peace.
Positano is one of oure dearest and beloved location,
we used to spend our holidays here year after year,
my in-laws had their honey moon there.
And I am lucky again to be back for a few days,
enjoying this charming place, meeting old friends,
trying to get the best in such a short time
(hoping the weather is nicely contributing!),
being strongly happy for such a unique place in the world!
Driving along the coastal road
you may often find funny kiosks selling local products
such as amazing cedars, huge fragrant lemons,
gastronimic specialties,
and most of all long incredible colored chili collars!
Just a little advice:
pay attention when they weigh and what price they ask! :-)

This picture goes to Susan from The Well-Seasoned Cook for BWW,
the weekly culinary photo event she recently launched.
See you next week!
4 commenti:
Bellissime foto Cindy il bianco e nero rende tutto un pò magico...
Grazie, Kitty, è per questo che seguo quest'iniziativa settimanale di Susan, a me è sempre piaciuto molto il b/n!
So pretty, Cinzia. They are like strings of Xmas lights. Thank you for your glittering BWW photo!
Thank you, Susan, and you know I did use chili in Christmas decorations some years ago? :-)
Have a lokk here:
Have a nice week and thank you again for all your great work at BWW!
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