Kranz ... un po' monelli - BBD # 26
scroll down for English recipe
Non vedevo l'ora di fare i Kranz, dolcetti tipici austriaci ... ne avevo un ricordo dolcissimo e fragrante di quando li avevo mangiati al corso ... e poi, per una scusa o l'altra, avevo sempre rimandato la loro infornata. Ora c'era l'occasione giusta per portarli a Jamie, che festeggia il suo compleanno ospitando il BBD # 26 e scegliendo come tema i Pani festosi ... ma ecco che sul più bello c'è quasi un'insubordinazione in forno, quasi un ammutinamento! ... i signorini Kranz si sono rivoltati ... nel vero senso della parola! ... beh, non tutti per fortuna, qualcuno si è comportato bene e come premio ha ricevuto una bella foto, ma i monelli sono stati puniti subito: mangiati per primi!!!
Questa ricetta delle Simili è semplificata in quanto non prevede lo strato di pasta sfoglia, ma usa solo una pasta brioche sfogliata.
80 gr. farina di forza
50 gr. latte tiepido
10 gr. lievito di birra
Impastare tutti gli ingredienti e far lievitare 30 minuti coperto.
220 gr. farina di forza
50 gr. zucchero
6 gr. lievito di birra
5 gr. malto
4 gr. sale
40 gr. burro morbido
2 uova, circa 120 gr.
100 gr. burro per la sfogliatura
100 gr. uvetta sultanina ammollata nel rhum
100 g. scorza d'arancia candita a piccoli dadi
zucchero in granella
1 uovo per lucidare
- Battere insieme le uova, lo zucchero e il malto. In una ciotola mettere la farina, fare la fontana, sbriciolare al centro il lievito, versare le uova battute, raccogliere un po' di farina e unire il sale. Aggiungere poi il lievitino a pezzetti e battere finchè sarà ben amalgamato, alla fine unire il burro a pezzetti. Lavorare sul piano di lavoro battendo finchè sarà liscio ed elastico, fare riposare 20/30 minuti coperto, poi piegare in quattro e rimettere nella ciotola unta di burro, coprire con un coperchio e lasciare riposare in frigorifero 12 ore (tutta la notte).
1 - Dopo le 12 ore di riposo prendere il burro per la sfogliatura dal frigo, tagliarlo e batterlo col matterello (sul piano infarinato) fino ad avere una sfoglia rettangolare di circa 10x15 cm, eventulmente aiutarsi a tirarlo con il mattarello usando molta farina.
2/3/4/5/6 - Rovesciare la pasta sul tavolo, tirarla in un rettangolo di cm 30x20, mettere al centro la sfoglia di burro, piegare i lati sul burro e fissarli bene.
7/8/9 - Piegatura: se necessario battere leggermente col matterello sulla pasta per renderla più tenera, quindi stendere la sfoglia delicatamente e piegare in 3 come un foglio da lettera, avvolgere nella pellicola e mettere in frigo a riposare 20/30 minuti.
10/11/12 - Posizionare la pasta verticalmente e ripetere la stesura e le pieghe come sopra ancora un paio di volte, intervallando sempre col riposo in frigo.
Questa è la pasta brioche sfogliata.
1 - Dopo le 12 ore di riposo prendere il burro per la sfogliatura dal frigo, tagliarlo e batterlo col matterello (sul piano infarinato) fino ad avere una sfoglia rettangolare di circa 10x15 cm, eventulmente aiutarsi a tirarlo con il mattarello usando molta farina.
2/3/4/5/6 - Rovesciare la pasta sul tavolo, tirarla in un rettangolo di cm 30x20, mettere al centro la sfoglia di burro, piegare i lati sul burro e fissarli bene.
7/8/9 - Piegatura: se necessario battere leggermente col matterello sulla pasta per renderla più tenera, quindi stendere la sfoglia delicatamente e piegare in 3 come un foglio da lettera, avvolgere nella pellicola e mettere in frigo a riposare 20/30 minuti.
10/11/12 - Posizionare la pasta verticalmente e ripetere la stesura e le pieghe come sopra ancora un paio di volte, intervallando sempre col riposo in frigo.
Questa è la pasta brioche sfogliata.
13 - Stendere la pasta a circa 1 cm di spessore ottenendo un rettangolo di circa 30x45 cm.
14 - Pennellare con l'uovo battuto e cospargere di uvetta e canditi.
15/16/17 - Tagliare la pasta in tre parti (dal lato lungo), sovrapporre queste strisce premendo bene con le mani, ottenendo così 3 strati di pasta e 3 di ripieno sovrapposti.
18/19 - Fare aderire bene e tagliare dal lato corto dei rettangoli di circa 3 cm, attorcigliarli e disporli sulle teglie.
20- Lucidare con l'uovo battuto e far lievitare 20/30 minuti.
- Lucidare di nuovo, cospargere di granella e cuocere a 180° per 15/20 minuti.
Questa ricetta partecipa alla raccolta di Laura "Brioche ... la raccolta"
14 - Pennellare con l'uovo battuto e cospargere di uvetta e canditi.
15/16/17 - Tagliare la pasta in tre parti (dal lato lungo), sovrapporre queste strisce premendo bene con le mani, ottenendo così 3 strati di pasta e 3 di ripieno sovrapposti.
18/19 - Fare aderire bene e tagliare dal lato corto dei rettangoli di circa 3 cm, attorcigliarli e disporli sulle teglie.
20- Lucidare con l'uovo battuto e far lievitare 20/30 minuti.
- Lucidare di nuovo, cospargere di granella e cuocere a 180° per 15/20 minuti.



Dawn on Lake Garda: the full moon shining today at 7 am for you!
I was so thrilled to do Kranz, typical Austrian mini cakes... I had sweet and fragrant memories of them ... but you know, time goes by so quickly, so many things to do, never have time and always put off their baking. But now a great chance knocking at the door: Jamie is celebrating her birthday hosting BBD # 26 and so let's “Baking Bread for a Birthday Party"! ... but when you think everything is going right and for sure you will bring a gorgeous cake to the party ... surprise! ... something awful is happening in the oven ... a sort of incredible insubordination, almost like a mutiny on the oven! ... young Kranz gentlemen do not cooperate and prefer to rebel and turn around ... in the true sense of the word! ... Well, not all thankfully, someone has behaved well and received a beautiful picture as reward, but the naughty guys were punished at once: eaten first!
This is Simili's recipe, a little simplified because no puff pastry layers are used but don't even think it's less scrumptious for that!
Thanks again to Zorra, the founder and creator of this gorgeous event!
This is Simili's recipe, a little simplified because no puff pastry layers are used but don't even think it's less scrumptious for that!
Thanks again to Zorra, the founder and creator of this gorgeous event!

80 gr. strong flour
50 gr. warm milk
10 gr. fresh yeast
Mix all ingredients and let rise 30 minutes covered.
220 gr. strong flour
50 gr. sugar
6 gr. fresh yeast
5 gr. barley malt
4 gr. salt
40 gr. soft butter
2 eggs, about 120 gr.
100 gr. extra butter for rolling&folding
100 gr. raisins soaked in rum
100 g. candied orange zest, chopped into small cubes
1 egg
granulated sugar
- Beat together eggs, sugar and malt. In a bowl pour all flour, make a well in the middle, crumble yeast, pour beaten eggs, combine a little flour and add salt. Then add chopped sponge and beat until well amalgamated, eventually join the butter cut into small pieces.
- Knead and beat on a floured surface until smooth and elastic, let rest 20/30 minutes covered, then fold into quarters and put in a buttered bowl, cover with a lid and let stand in the fridge
12 hours (overnight).
1 - After 12 hours take 100 g of butter from the fridge, cut and beat it with a rolling pin (on a floured surface) to shape in a rectangular sheet of about 10x15 cm, in case you can help with a rolling and a lot of flour.
2/3/4/5/6 - Pour the dough on the working surface, roll it into a rectangle of 30x20 cm, put the butter in the center, fold the sides over the butter and fix them well.
7/8/9 - Rolling & Folding: tap lightly on the dough with the rolling pin to make it more tender, then roll out the dough and gently fold in 3 as a sheet of letter, wrap in plastic foil and refrigerate 20/30 minutes.
10/11/12 - Place the dough vertically in front of you, roll it out and fold in 3 again a couple of times more, allowing resting time in the fridge between the two passages.
This is the puff pastry brioché dough.
13 - Roll out the dough about 1 cm thick to obtain a rectangle about 30x45 cm.
14 - Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with drained raisins and candied fruit.
15/16/17 - Cut the dough into three parts (on the longer side), place one layer upon the other, pressing with hands, so you will have 3 layers of dough and 3 of filling one oupn the other.
18/19 - Cut stripes on the short side of the rectangle about 3 cm. wide, twist each and put on baking trays.
20 - Brush with beaten egg and let rise 20/30 minutes.
- Brush again, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake at 180° for 15/20 minutes.


Noughty kranz twisted off!
I monelli che si sono rigirati!
This recipe goes also to Susan's weekly YeastSpotting.
BBD # 26 Round up
YeastSpotting 2.5.10 Round up
80 gr. strong flour
50 gr. warm milk
10 gr. fresh yeast
Mix all ingredients and let rise 30 minutes covered.
220 gr. strong flour
50 gr. sugar
6 gr. fresh yeast
5 gr. barley malt
4 gr. salt
40 gr. soft butter
2 eggs, about 120 gr.
100 gr. extra butter for rolling&folding
100 gr. raisins soaked in rum
100 g. candied orange zest, chopped into small cubes
1 egg
granulated sugar
- Beat together eggs, sugar and malt. In a bowl pour all flour, make a well in the middle, crumble yeast, pour beaten eggs, combine a little flour and add salt. Then add chopped sponge and beat until well amalgamated, eventually join the butter cut into small pieces.
- Knead and beat on a floured surface until smooth and elastic, let rest 20/30 minutes covered, then fold into quarters and put in a buttered bowl, cover with a lid and let stand in the fridge
12 hours (overnight).
1 - After 12 hours take 100 g of butter from the fridge, cut and beat it with a rolling pin (on a floured surface) to shape in a rectangular sheet of about 10x15 cm, in case you can help with a rolling and a lot of flour.
2/3/4/5/6 - Pour the dough on the working surface, roll it into a rectangle of 30x20 cm, put the butter in the center, fold the sides over the butter and fix them well.
7/8/9 - Rolling & Folding: tap lightly on the dough with the rolling pin to make it more tender, then roll out the dough and gently fold in 3 as a sheet of letter, wrap in plastic foil and refrigerate 20/30 minutes.
10/11/12 - Place the dough vertically in front of you, roll it out and fold in 3 again a couple of times more, allowing resting time in the fridge between the two passages.
This is the puff pastry brioché dough.
13 - Roll out the dough about 1 cm thick to obtain a rectangle about 30x45 cm.
14 - Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with drained raisins and candied fruit.
15/16/17 - Cut the dough into three parts (on the longer side), place one layer upon the other, pressing with hands, so you will have 3 layers of dough and 3 of filling one oupn the other.
18/19 - Cut stripes on the short side of the rectangle about 3 cm. wide, twist each and put on baking trays.
20 - Brush with beaten egg and let rise 20/30 minutes.
- Brush again, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake at 180° for 15/20 minutes.


Noughty kranz twisted off!
I monelli che si sono rigirati!
This recipe goes also to Susan's weekly YeastSpotting.
BBD # 26 Round up
YeastSpotting 2.5.10 Round up
20 commenti:
Beh, che dirti...?!
Complimenti...sono una libidine.
Bacioni oni
La rivolta dei kranz??!! i miei si sono comportati con più educazione; in ogni caso, sto per andare a letto ma uno dei tuoi rivoltosi lo mangerei volentieri, buonanotte.
Amazing Ci. I am bookmarking this one. Hoping to be able to make it for Sunday snacking with tea. Yum!
These are magnificent! Stupendo! What a fantastic birthday treat! And you don't know how this touches me because these lovely treats (gentlemen all) remind me so much of living in Italy and eating these for breakfast. Oooh a wave of nostalgia just hit me! Thanks so much for this wonderful treat for my BBD Birthday Party! (and I was looking for you!)
Sei stata bravissima, oltre che generosa nel mettere tutti i passaggi! grande!
era tantissimo che non passavo e roa mi passo in rassegna tutto.... bellissima ricetta e bellissime foto! un bacio Ely
These look WONDERFUL, and so do your alfajores!!!
Simo, bacione anche a te ... un po' monelloso perchè mi faccio sentire poco ... ma cercherò di rimediare!
Moki, non sai che nervoso mi hanno fatto venire, li avevo curati con così tanto amore ... ma si sa, i "maschi" sono sempre problematici ... hihihi ...!
Oh Jamie, I am so flattend by your words!
Glad you liked them so far as I especially made for you with my deepest love ... I am looking forward for you B'day Party recap, I am sure we'll have more fun alltogether!
Terry, lo so che ingombro tanto con le
Terry, lo so che ingombro tanto con le foto ma è una mia piccola mania perchè son convinta che dalle foto si riesca a capire meglio ... alle volte!
Ely, grazie, e sei sempre la benvenuta!
Sue, thank you so much, we had two days so sweet, and still it's not over ... I've been frying Carnival treats with friends all morning long!
Looks wonderful! Loved the picture of Lake Garda: do you actually live there and have that view every day? Amazing!!!!!
ap269, oh yes, I live there and every morning I have my coffee, every day I cook, every day we have lunch or dinner we are in front of such a beauty!
I will post some sunsets one day, I have milllions of picture but every time can't stop shooting new ones!
I know I am very lucky, and that view is a "pure breath of fresh air" which helps me to live happily and peacefully!
What a delicious treat! I always treat unruly pastry like you, too. The unruly are eaten first, the nice one are allowed to pose for a picture.
Stefanie, you've got the right word: unruly!...and the right behavior for it!
Have a nice w.e.!
These look so amazing. Must try them!
Thank you, Oriana, then let me know please!
Wow, these look supremely fabulous and infinitely edible! I'll have to make these for company some time.
Hobby Baker, you are right, perfect for company, with a nice cup of tea! Please let me know if you try.
This is my first time here, and your twists are so amazing, I bookmarked the recipe to try it very soon. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you, Arlette, for your visit.
If you try this recipe, please come along again and let me know your impressions, and better suggestions if occurred!
Oh, che buoni.
I think that these look so wonderful that I want to make some myself. They look far better than the ones made by Luca Montersino and that is the ultimate compliment.
Craft F., thank youuuu mo much, that's a super compliment! But Sorelle Simili's recipes are always the best, believe me, I am sure you will not be disappointed! Then let me know, please, if you give a try and your impressions.
Have a nice week!
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